Job Hunting Success Guide

Need to prepare for upcoming interview, assessment centre or improve your CV to empress employers? Click on the links below to get the advice you need to succeed.



How to write a great CV

Having a good CV is must for today job market. Through curriculum you present yourself to prospective employer and have only one chance to impress and capture the attention of recruiter. Hence the importance of CV is tremendous on your future career and plays a significant role for interviewer to invite you to further selection stage or simply post rejection letter. Statistically speaking an average employer only spends fraction of time to read and skim through CVs hence make it to the point to stand out from the crowd. This section gives you brief guide as how to construct your CV. You will learn how to write personal statement, present your key achievements, detail work experience and list your educational achievements.


How to fill in job application form

Application forms, used nearly by all major graduate employers to recruiter graduates for their graduate schemes, assess your suitability for role you applied. Usually, submitting the online application form is your first step to let the potential employer know that you are interested in role. To pass to the next selection stage you need to demonstrate that you meet all of the company requirements and must prove that you possess behavioural competencies required for the role. This section will briefly run through steps on filling in graduate online application form and will provide useful hints, tips and examples on how to demonstrate your behavioural competencies.


Online reasoning tests

Aptitude tests are becoming increasingly incorporated into recruitment and selection process. Nearly each graduate employer administers psychometric tests at the early stages of selection process to eliminate candidates unsuitable for role. The most commonly used aptitude tests are numerical, verbal and inductive reasoning tests which are evaluated in terms of percentiles that is, they assess your performance how you did compare to other candidates. In this part we provide you wealth of advice on how to prepare for employer online tests and you will have the opportunity to undertake free numerical, verbal and inductive reasoning test.


How to perform better in assessment centre

An assessment centre is standardised evaluation of behaviour across multiple assessment methods ranging from group discussions to in-tray exercises or panel interviews. Assessment methods used in assessment centres are believed to measure managerial skills and abilities. Employers buy into the notion that performance of candidates is closely related to their future job performance hence you need to perform to your very best to stand reasonable chances of success. Usually, assessors rate candidates' performance on a predetermined set of behavioural competencies each of which is individually marked and total score for each applicant is worked out from results of all exercises taken. This section will give you brief introduction on how to perform better in assessment centre. It will provide you with specific guidelines how to conduct successful presentation, how to participate in group discussion and will tell you more about in-tray exercises.


How to handle job interview questions

If you have been invited for the job interview, then well done. You have probably demonstrated in previous selection stages that you have the ability and necessary competencies to perform well in the role. At this stage you need to give it your best in order to stand out from a short list of capable people with perhaps similar background and experience to yours. You need to match yourself to top employer needs and expectations. Remember, good interview performers get the job so preparation is key to success. In this part we give suggestion and answers to questions which you may be asked on an interview covering standard, personality, work experience and competency based job interview questions.