How to Write Winning CV

This resume guide details best practices and CV writing tips on how to sell your skills and experience in ever competitive job market. It consits of four sections each of which provides detailed advice, hints and tips on how to go about writing successful curriculum. Remember; well presented CV can open the doors to next opportunity. Click on the links below to learn how to write great resume to stand out from the crowd.


How to write professional summary in CV

This part will provide you with advice as how to structure solid personal statement. It will provide with guidance on how your past experience and future career goals should reflect your strengths and aspirations for the job you apply.


How to write key achievements in resume

CVs that include a long list of responsibilities are viewed by employers as plain and boring and are often not efficient to sell yourself. This section shows how to identify and structure job related accomplishments in the best possible light to impress prospective employer and land job interview.


How to write work experience in CV

Well writen work history in curriculum vitae can greatly improve your chances of landing an interview. This section puts together the most important thing to keep in mind when writing employment history on resume.


How to write education in resume

This section provides quick snapshot of applicant educational history and highlights your academic achievements. It gives thorough understanding as how to go about completing this part of resume to impress the reader. Read further to:


Five mistakes people make when writing CV

It’s easy to make mistake but hard to earn the trust of the employer once they receive curriculum. This section outlines five greatest mistakes to avid when writing curriculum vitae.