Diagrammatic Reasoning Test Guide

Whether you are graduate, post-graduate or someone how is about to undertake diagrammatic reasoning tests in the near future as a part of employment selection then this page is right for you. Below we present you with the most frequently asked questions about graduate diagrammatic reasoning tests. You can learn more about each topic by simply clicking on the link or clicking on free test to assess your level of reasoning abilities. Good luck with your test preparation.

What is diagrammatic reasoning

Diagrammatic reasoning tests belong to the group of psychometric assessments frequently administered to graduate candidates who apply for information and technology jobs. Often misunderstood for logical, abstract or inductive assessments, diagrammatic tests predominantly consist of process diagrams and flow charts. This section will give you brief introduction to diagrammatic reasoning tests used by employers. You will learn what they are, what is the format, task and why they are used, what they measure and how your score is evaluated and looked at by assessors.


The most common diagrammatic tests

Each year dozens of companies test critical thinking and problem solving abilities of their applicants by means of diagrammatic tests. There is a great variety of such assessments used as a part of employee selection. This part presents commonly used diagrammatic reasoning tests that are frequently used during the recruitment process. It demonstrates examples of both simple and advanced tests alike and explains how to go about answering questions found in these assessments. Click on the above link to learn more.


Diagrammatic reasoning practice tips

This section will provide you with useful hints and tips that you may find helpful during the course of your preparation. It will provide with advice as what constitutes effective practice and how to improve your skills, tactics and test taking strategies to maximise your performance to pass employer test with confidence.