Mistakes to Avoid in UKCAT Abstract Reasoning Tests

Are you making any of these mistakes? It seems that there are some mistakes that have more dire consequences than others. If you are new to UKCAT abstract reasoning tests it is likely that you make some or even all of these. Below section presents the most common mistakes candidates make in UKCAT abstract reasoning tests. Be aware of traps you can avoid.



Matching similar looking patterns

At times, test takers that don't undertake enough practice for UKCAT abstract reasoning tests tend to match the test questions with similar looking patterns. Note that overlapping between abstract patterns presented in sets and test questions may exist. It could be the case that test question may look similar to test pattern but they would not relate to each other in any logical way. Hence, to answer questions correctly do not base your answers on similar looking patterns but rather search for underlying logic, relationship or connections between patterns.


Letting the test shapes distract you

Often, candidates tend to focus their attention on images that display most items. This could be because they may be under the impression that all of the items must be a part of certain pattern. Remember, not always all of the shapes in the set are relevant. Often, test publishers incorporate into the patterns items to distract your attention. To maximise your chances of success start with the patterns that show the least items as the box that includes fewest number of items is likely to have the least number of distractors. Feel free to see abstract reasoning test tips that will give you further insight as how to approach patterns to answer test questions in correct way.


Spending too much time on a question

Spending too much time to figure out patterns you find difficult may mean that you will run out of time and miss points for easier questions that may come up later in a test. Hence, do not spend long time to figure out question. It may be the case that if you do not see the pattern within short time the likelihood that you will find it with more time is low. Hence, take guess, flag the question and come back to it later if you will have time available.


Not making most of your practice

It is important that you align your practice to exam conditions. That is, if the test you are preparing for is timed fast paced assessment you need to practice against the clock. Moreover, after you finish your practice test, go back to the questions you found difficult and see if you can find pattern with more time. If not have a look at the explanation and ensure that you do understand the underlying logic of questions. Always review your correctly and incorrectly answered question.


Failing to spot patterns

Patterns in UKCAT abstract reasoning tests usually consist of various items of different colour, size or shape. Candidates who have not undertaken enough practice tests for UKCAT abstract reasoning tests have not trained their eyes to spot patterns with ease and hence may be slower at finding patterns. You can review tutorials on UKCAT abstract reasoning test patterns to see the most common patterns you may find in these assessments.