Interview Questions on Dealing with Challenges

Undoubtedly each job presents with its own challenges and demands and you have to make it clear to interviewer that you can deal with challenges at workplace effectively and see them as the opportunity for growth. Be it high workload, managing difficult employees or subordinates you need to prove that you can stay calm, positive and respond well to situations at all times. A good question to ask applicant to find out more about their personal strengths, inner abilities is to ask the following 'Provide an example of a challenge you faced on the job and tell me how you dealt with it'. Could you handle these questions well in your interview? See some advice in the below paragraph as what an employer might be looking for. To view more question see competency interview questions where you can find useful guidance how to handle most commonly asked job interview questions.



How to answer interview questions on how to deal with challenges

Employees are faced with a range of challenges that they have to deal with on day-to-day bases. You need to demonstrate that you are capable to handle challenges to ensure that customer demands, business needs and organizational objectives are fully met. If possible, relate you answer to the needs of job. For example, if you apply for job that requires you to work with customers think about the time you did a great job handling someone who was tough to deal with. Alternatively, if you apply for job that demands analytical aptitude related your answer to some situation where you used your skills to come up with a great solution that other could not see. It is important to note that you should focus your answer around work related challenges. Don't start talking about how you overcome or met your personal goals such as having illness or overcoming challenges in your personal life. Keep it short, concise and to the point. As each answer to behavioural interview question it should be structured in S.T.A.R format describing situation, task action and result.


Example answer


At my last job at where I was working as a customer service team leader I was responsible for day to day operations of customer support team. I was in charge to make sure that all customer inquiries were being dealt with in reliable and consistent manner. During a particular period we had a high volume of customer inquiries due to the launch of our new promotional campaigns.


At the start of each day I quickly gathered my team, assessed the day’s workload and anticipated any challenges that may lie ahead. I did identify more complex open customer inquiries and assigned those to the most qualified and highly trained team members to avoid any potential delays in response time to customers. I streamlined job design of staff to prevent work stress and any inefficiency in customer handling process. I ensured that there was not too much work piled up for some staff members whereas not enough for others. Throughout the day, I was responsive to the needs as well as to any issues of each of the staff member.


Thus, I was able to increase productivity of team to provide customers and potential clients with prompt responses and solutions to their needs. By the end of the first week I converted over 70 per cent of customer enquiries into sales orders.

Interview Questions on Dealing with Challenges

Undoubtedly each job presents with its own challenges and demands and you have to make it clear to interviewer that you can deal with challenges at workplace effectively and see them as the opportunity for growth. Be it high workload, managing difficult employees or subordinates you need to prove that you can stay calm, positive and respond well to situations at all times. A good question to ask applicant to find out more about their personal strengths, inner abilities is to ask the following 'Provide an example of a challenge you faced on the job and tell me how you dealt with it'. Could you handle these questions well in your interview? See some advice in the below paragraph as what an employer might be looking for. To view more question see competency interview questions where you can find useful guidance how to handle most commonly asked job interview questions.