SWOT Analysis Career Guide

SWOT Analysis using SWOT matrices is a key part of any successful career planning. As you can see from the diagram below SWOT analysis focuses on both internal and external factors. Internal factors are ones that are unique to you such as your strengths and weaknesses whereas the external factors are ones that are determined by external environment such as availability of jobs you want to apply for or shortage of applicants in some certain fields.
To construct your own SWOT Analysis, take time to identify both internal and external factors related to your ideal job. Try to identify your strengths and weaknesses and think how you can capitalize on your strengths and improve upon your weaknesses. Below you can view sample SWOT matrices and you can construct yours accordingly. Remember, you have to be as honest to yourself as possible as good preparation of your SWOT Analysis will help you to match your skills, abilities and interests to your ideal career path.
Your positive internal aspects upon which you can capitalize.
  • Relevant work experience
  • University degrees (Bachelors, Masters, PhD), vocational qualifications or other supplementary courses etc…
  • Communication, interpersonal, team-working, negotiation, networking, leadership skills or other transferable skills
  • Specific knowledge related to your chosen field, IT, language skills
  • Strong work ethic, commercially driven, self-started, motivated, energetic, ability to work under pressure etc…
Your Negative internal aspects which you may want to overcome.
  • Lack of relevant working experience for job you apply
  • Not having required qualifications, low GPA
  • Lack of technical knowledge related to your chosen field
  • Poor team-working, communication or other transferable skills
  • Not achievement orientated; lack of attention to detail
Positive external conditions that you can take advantage of.
  • Shortage of professionals in your chosen field
  • Positive trends in your chosen field that create more jobs
  • Opportunities for advancement
  • Opportunities you could have if you enhanced your qualification or gained extra work experience
  • Opportunities for professional development (gaining accredited qualification or on job courses or training
Negative external conditions the effect of which you can minimise.
  • Excess of professionals in your chosen field
  • Competition coming from graduates with superior skills, knowledge or education
  • Limited professional development on your chosen job
  • Not enough opportunities for advancement
  • Negative trends that diminish jobs