Verbal Reasoning Test Preparation Tips

If you are new to verbal reasoning tests comprised of true, false and cannot say questions there is no getting away with last minute practice unless you are super-duper perfect. Having had an experience of taking these tests in the past I've picked up a few things on how to start effective preparation. So, I would like to share with you few important tips to save you the hassle and get you started right away the first time. This guide will cover few preparation tips and will attempt to point you to the right direction so that you can make most of your preparation.



Understand basics of verbal reasoning tests

It is important that you understand logic of how to answer test questions. One may argue that there is no point in starting with strictly timed practice when you have no or little understanding of these tests. Note that you need to have clear understanding how to evaluate information in the text passage and know when to mark statement as true, false or cannot say. Hence to make your preparation effective ensure that you understand this at first. A good tutorial we have put together on this topic is how to answer verbal reasoning questions. You will find here guidance to help you deepen your understanding of evaluating arguments in these kinds of assessments. You can also see the chapter on main building blocks of verbal reasoning tests which offers comprehensive advice and breaks down the types of questions you may encounter in your test.


Practice with and without timer

As mentioned above, at first you may want to start practicing without time constraint in order to get the good grip of how to answer these questions. Once you will become more familiar with test taking concepts and strategies start undertaking tests against the clock and practice until you get comfortable answering questions in time limit. Note that verbal reasoning tests are timed assessments and you need to push your practice to the point where you will be comfortable to answer nearly all of the questions correctly under examination conditions.


Persist on continued practice

As with numerical tests the amount of practice you will need to undertake during your preparation will depend on your current level of mental and reasoning abilities. Moreover, it will also depend on your ability of how quickly you can read, comprehend and evaluate information in the passage. If you find the test challenging don't worry you will improve your ability in necessary areas with continued practice. Aim to go through as many verbal tests as possible.


Improve concentration level

During your workout if your mind wonders or you have a worry about the time while reading the passages you have to improve your level of concentration. A number of candidates that are new to such assessments may have lower degree of concentration as they tend to panic and thus are not able to complete the test in time and answer questions incorrectly. However, as you will go along with your preparation you will find that you will become more attentive and thus you will be able to focus more when reading the paragraphs.


Don't get discouraged

Do not become discouraged if you find that you score during your verbal reasoning test preparation hasn’t improved significantly. It is important not to give up. Your score will improve with necessary commitment. Remember, verbal reasoning tests are subject to practice and coaching effects. That is, the more set of exercises you do the better your performance and score becomes.