How to answer Standard Job Interview Questions

Standard job interview questions are considered as 'ice breaker' in employment interview. They are usually easier to prepare for and often check on your background, motivation and interest for the job. To help you manage your preparation for these questions we have put together some hints and tips for some of the most frequently asked occupational interview questions.

Tell me about yourself
This question looks very simple but so many people fail to prepare for it. Number of applicants would go back to their childhood experiences and would give hiring manager complete career history from their early years. Remember, give a bit of background on yourself, and briefly cover your education and recent career experience. It is also good opportunity to highlight one or two impressive achievements related to job you are applying for. Avoid personal or irrelevant information and focus on what you can offer to company. Keep it short and concise - limit the reply to 1 - 2 minutes only. Attempt to deliver the answer in a clear and confident manner that leaves the impression that you are well adjusted, stable and positive.
What do you know about the company?
Here hiring manager wants to know that you have enthusiasm and interest to work for their organisation and that you have conducted some research on product or services the company is offering to its clients. To make positive impact, communicate that you have made a conscious choice to target this company and let the interviewer to tell detailed aspects about the enterprise. Nevertheless show that you have researched the company and be prepared to answer questions about:
Company size, turnover, goals and philosophy
Target customers, key accounts, products & services
Company competitors
Market trends and challenges
If you apply for specific role where you are expected to have some certain knowledge of industry then it is recommended to read company case studies often available on their websites to download in order to learn more about how the enterprise conducts its business activities with its clients.
Why do you want to work here?
Companies are looking to hire people that show clear interest in role and organisation itself. You may often hear from managers or directors ‘company is built upon success of its people’ so show commitment and dedication during your work interview. Demonstrate your enthusiasm to contribute to company goals i.e. depending on role you showed interest in, you may touch upon how would you increase customer satisfaction, cut costs, boost revenues or manage resources effectively. Send a message across that the company is the right place for you to use your skills (soft, hard). Indicate why the job at hand appeals to you - ''I am especially interested in working within...''
Why should we hire you?
Again, another version of 'why you want to work here'. Remember, when employer or recruiter asks either of these questions they want to see your drive, ambition and determination to succeed. Demonstrate that you possess the knowledge, experience, skills and abilities required for the job. Touch upon behavioural and technical competencies and prove the interviewer that you have solved or at least have the potential to solve problems that are similar to those the department is facing on daily bases. Try to communicate a lot of positive attributes and be very positive and confident in your reply.


Tell me about yourself

This question looks very simple but so many people fail to prepare for it. Number of applicants would go back to their childhood experiences and would give hiring manager complete career history from their early years. Remember, give a bit of background on yourself, and briefly cover your education and recent career experience. It is also good opportunity to highlight one or two impresive job accomplishments related to job you are applying for. Avoid personal or irrelevant information and focus on what you can offer to company. Keep it short and concise - limit the reply to 1 - 2 minutes only. Attempt to deliver the answer in a clear and confident manner that leaves the impression that you are well adjusted, stable and positive.


What do you know about us?

Here hiring manager wants to know that you have enthusiasm and interest to work for their organisation and that you have conducted some research on product or services they are offering. To make positive impact, communicate that you have made a conscious choice to target this company and let the interviewer to tell detailed aspects about the enterprise. Nevertheless show that you have researched the enterprise and be prepared to answer questions about:

If you apply for specific role where you are expected to have some certain knowledge of industry then it is recommended to read company case studies often available on their websites to download in order to learn more about how the enterprise conducts its business activities with its clients.


Why do you want to work here?

Companies are looking to hire people that show clear interest in role and organisation itself. You may often hear from managers or directors ‘company is built upon success of its people’ so show commitment and dedication during your work interview. Demonstrate your enthusiasm to contribute to organisation goals i.e. depending on role you showed interest in, you may touch upon how would you increase customer satisfaction, cut costs, boost revenues or manage resources effectively. Send a message across that the company is the right place for you to use your skills (soft, hard). Indicate why the job at hand appeals to you - ''I am especially interested in working within...''


Why should we hire you?

Again, another version of 'why you want to work here'. Remember, when employer or recruiter asks either of these questions they want to see your drive, ambition and determination to succeed. Demonstrate that you possess the knowledge, experience, skills and abilities required for the job. Touch upon behavioural and technical competencies and prove the interviewer that you have solved or at least have the potential to solve problems that are similar to those the department is facing on daily bases. Try to communicate a lot of positive attributes and be very positive and confident in your reply.